PM Modi Highlights Historic Achievements: Article 370 Abrogation, Women’s Reservation Bill, and More in 17th Lok Sabha

In an address to the 17th Lok Sabha, Prime Minister Narendra Modi emphasized the transformative journey of the government over the past five years.

The session witnessed a staggering 97 percent productivity, with the passage of 30 significant bills, leaving an indelible mark on India’s political landscape.

PM Modi underscored the pivotal decisions made during this term, addressing long-awaited concerns of many generations. The abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and the prohibition of triple talaq were lauded as historic milestones.

The Prime Minister expressed satisfaction, stating that these decisions align with the commitment to social justice and the eradication of terrorism.

Among the key achievements highlighted was the Women’s Reservation Bill, signaling a substantial step towards empowering women in the country. 

PM Modi praised the government’s commitment to marginalized communities, exemplified by the issuance of identity cards to 17,000 transgenders and the conferment of Padma awards upon them.

Reflecting on the achievements of the 17th Lok Sabha, PM Modi acknowledged the necessity of a new parliament building, emphasizing the government’s decisive action that led to its realization. 

The session also witnessed the opening of the parliament library to the public, symbolizing a commitment to transparency and accessibility.

The Prime Minister reiterated the government’s philosophy of “minimum government, maximum governance,” emphasizing the importance of the government staying away from the day-to-day lives of the people. He asserted that such an approach strengthens democracy.

PM Modi concluded his address by looking towards the future, expressing confidence that the next 25 years are crucial for India. He envisioned a nation achieving desired results, driven by democratic traditions and political activities that align with the aspirations, expectations, dreams, and resolve of the country.

As India gears up for elections, the Prime Minister encourages citizens, stating that these elections are an essential aspect of democracy, destined to enhance the nation’s pride and uphold democratic traditions that continue to surprise the world. 

The 17th Lok Sabha, with its significant accomplishments, sets the stage for the 18th Lok Sabha to continue the journey of reform, perform, and transform for a stronger and more resilient India.

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